Manage multiple companies accounting records from one place. You no longer have to jump through hoops to manage your companies.
Your transactions with multi-currency purposes couldnt get any easier.
Get a consoludated financial accounting reports for your companies. Balance Sheets, Cahsflow Statements, Income Statements & PNL Statements
Get the full advantage of journaling your booking entries in multi-line transactions. If you need a double booking transactoined in a journal entry this is the solution for you.
Need an oversight on your balance sheet, cashflow statement, income statemnt or even your profit and loss statement. We provide just the solution for you. At any given time with a click of a button generate the report that you need or even have them all assorted in one booklet.
Codania Accounting Model makes it easy to stay on top of your Life Style. No late reporting. No gimmicks.
A balance sheet for each of your individual companies
A consiledated cashflow statement in a general accepted format
View your company's income statemnt with ease.
Want to know whether your making a profit or not? Our PnL statement gives you an accountants view