Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for visiting our FAQs page. We make it our priorety to answer all common questions regarding with our products or services

Getting Started

you can sign up with an account to access our platform, however depending on your usage needs you will have to subscribe to our payed services to fully use the services you need. you can sign up via our login page OR you can subscribe to your desired services which automaticly creates your account via our purchase page

We advice our users to associate a company name be it realistic or virtual in order to generate & calculate the correct reports. After creating your company you can now start creating journal entries for it.

You need to click on the company button in our accounting platform then in the dropdown menu click on " Create A Company ". A form will pop up, we invite you to fill in the details in the correct fields in order to start creating journal entries for that company

Yes, you can create as many companies as you find nescessary, by creating a company from the company drop down button in our accounting platform.

You can delete an entry by clicking on the + sign in the options column to delete an individual entry. For mass deletion check mark the entreis you want to delete where a new button will be displayed in the tool bar section in the upper right corner named " Action " you can click on that button where a drop down option " Delete " will be displayed, you can click on this option to mass delete the selected entries.

Upon creating your company from the " Create A Company " option in our accounting platform you will need to asign a default currency for your company in order to adjust for multi-currency transactions.


Yes, we are glad to inform you that we currently provide an extra layer of security for your convienience, which can be turned on & off any time from your profile settings

We have built our interface & systems to handle your data whilst being securly encrypted to the best of our ability to do so. Your data is encrypted partially. We are currently endevouring to keep all your data encrypted however due to functionality limitation & in order to serve you with certain programatic services the data is partialy encrypted. We say partially encrypted however your critical data is fully encrypted & our system & data storage is built in such a way to keep your information almost fully anonymous.

We have built an option for you to delete your account & all asociated data from your profile settings. We do advise you to re-consider deleting your account as once your data is deleted WE CAN NOT RECOVER DELETED ACCOUNTS. As it is part of our policy to keep your data safe & strictly accesible by you to the best of our ability to do so.


Yes, as many line as you want to include in the transaction.

Yes, we currently provide the ability to label your transaction lines in multiple currencies. However, by labeling the currencies we do not programaticly calculate variance in differential currencies. We are currently developing a solution to programticly factor in differentials in the currency values.


You can import your journal entries in the form of Excel format ( xls format ).


You can export your journal entries in the form of Excel format ( xls format ).


Our journal entry interface includes shortcuts for:

  • 1- Journal Entries Report
  • 2- Balance Sheet Statement
  • 3- Cashflow Statement
  • 4- Income Statement
  • 5- Profit & Loss Statement
  • 6- A 409A Report


Our journal entry interface includes shortcuts for:

  • 1- Creating a new entry: Alt+N
  • 2- Adding a new journal line: Alt+C
  • 3- Saving a new entry: Alt+S


The front end of our website which includes:

has utilized the theme developed by Themefisher as it was provided under the The MIT License (MIT).
That being said we have altered the scripts provided by Themefisher under the right of usage by more than 40% as to serve our needs & functionality
We, at Codania, have utilized the HTML,CSS & Js code to present the aformentioned links listed above in this segment ONLY. NOR Themefisher or any other party have a right to claim ownership of our paid platform / segment of the website as it was solely developed by our Founder & presedent of Codania Mohamed Kamel. NO underling code provided by Themefisher NOR any other party has been utilized in our Paid Platform / segment of the website.